Surprisingly enough, the focal character in the book is NOT Ruth, but Naomi. We know this because Naomi is mentioned in the opening (exactly 71 words in Hebrew) and closing (exactly 71 words in Hebrew). Naomi also speaks the climatic phrase in the book, the point where her hopes begin to turn. Not surprisingly, it is also the exact center of the book... Ruth 2:20.
Understood this way, the book of Ruth beautifully chronicles our journey as men & women from death & hopelessness to life & fullness. Some of the key ways God provides for Naomi (and, by extension, us) include:
- A daughter-in-law, Ruth, who is willing to endure hardship, poverty, & possibly even death in order to care for the mother of her late husband
- Boaz, a kinsman-redeemer, who is willing to provide for her physical needs generously and in abundance
- A new family who even places in her lap (possibly referencing adoption) a child that Noami herself can care for and nurture
All of these Gospel-handles have great applications, especially for Mother's Day and the season of Easter, when God brings us - and our families, in all their variety - from emptiness to fullness and death to life through a relationship with our Redeemer Jesus Christ.
Which of these points "sings" to your heart the most? And are there other key points from the book of Ruth that you would like to see shared in the sermon on Sunday?
I've always thought that Naomi was the central character too, for the same reasons, and with the same message. This is the first time I've seen someone else who agrees!