Monday, June 3, 2013

Consuming or Creating?

For months I’ve been dreaming of a pearl necklace.  It appeared at my sons’ school auction, and I was completely smitten by its beauty.  Since the necklace was beyond my means, I gave up hope.  Then I had an idea.  Our insurance company gives cash awards for preventative health measures like regular exercise and recommended checkups.  If I fulfilled enough requirements, I could earn the money.  And since I wasn’t taking money out of our paycheck, I could feel good about earning my own jewelry.  But God’s been whispering to me lately, “don’t use this money to consume.  Use it to create.” 

I know what you are thinking.  This isn’t another post ranting about the evils of consumerism and materialism.  Instead, I’m talking about another way to grow closer to God that I often overlook.  God's very nature is as Creator.  The first three chapters of the Bible are all about God’s intensely creative nature.  You and I exist because of this nature.  We're talking about the same God who created the tiny bumblebee and the majestic whale, the endless sands of desert and the vast Amazon Rainforest.  And the best part is that He gave this creative nature to humanity. 

Think about it.  When’s the last time you’ve seen an animal sketch a painting just because the mood struck?  Or write a bedtime story for its young?  Only humans create anything for reasons beyond a physical need.  When we create, we are using a special gift God gives to us and us alone. 

When we create anything, whether it’s a photograph or a purse or gourmet dinner, we are creating an original, something the universe has never seen before.  Consuming is so boring by comparison.  When I go down to Target and buy a new bedspread, you can be sure hundreds, if not thousands of women have the same one I want sitting on their beds.  But when we create, we bring something into the world that it has never seen before. 

Of course, bringing to life a creation has its dangers.  Our creation can be mocked, ignored or destroyed.  In the blink of an eye, a box cutter can destroy a priceless Picasso.  Our most heartfelt creation can be misunderstood or dismissed by those whose opinions matter the most to us. But God took this risk to create us.  God has seen each of us mock, ignore and hurt one another, His masterpiece.  Still, when we conquer our fears and choose to use the creativity God gave us, we honor our Creator.  Even in this disappointment, we can turn to God knowing He's felt that sting before.

In today’s world, consuming and creating is not an either/or choice.  Some of my favorite things are reading a good book, taking a hot bath and eating fine chocolates.  But if that’s the only thing people remember about me at my funeral, I have failed my calling in life.  I was made to create something that reflects the awe and beauty of God.  For me, it’s a strong family, tasty, healthy meals and inspiring words.  For you it may be a lush garden, colorful needlework, new songs, or a lifelong love of reading through a book club.  

Whatever God has put on your heart to create, I can promise you that when you do, you will feel closer to God than you ever thought possible.  


NOTE:  I have felt God's calling to write more blogs that explore modern day faith in Jesus.  I have set a goal to attend a Christian writer's conference in 2014 with 50 devotions in hand.  Please pray for me.  I would also be blessed if you shared your honest feedback.  Thanks. 

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