Friday, April 29, 2011

A Mighty Fortress Is Our Church?

God is inviting His people into a new way of being His Church. He has been for some time, frankly.

In a mostly Christian society, the Church could focus on being attractional... offering the best programs and ministries money could buy in an attempt to be the center of community life. Success was measured in terms of the ABCs (attendance, buildings, cash).

Now in American society, most people don't go to church; they don't really want to, either. And so, just like in the apostolic age... the Church will go to them, incarnationally embodying and sharing Jesus through real relationships at work, at home, and at school. Success, here, is measured in stories... of lives changed, and relationships transformed, by the very power of God.

This excellent
2-minute video sums up the difference quite nicely.  


  1. I have run into the interesting phenomenon that many folks hunger deeply for the Holy. I'm wondering why it is they don't sense it in many of our congregations? Why is it they don't seem to be coming into contact with the Risen Lord who changes lives?

    I've been fortunate in the congregation in which I serve. This seems to be happening with regularity; however, I mourn that this doesn't seem to be happening in the Lutheran denoms--whether right or left leaning. :-)

  2. Brady

    Way to go! I believe a movement of mission is building in the hearts of many leaders. Jesus wants to draw all people to Himself. We can be a part of that movement. The church is not the center of God's plan but it is central to God's plan. Keep writing and encouraging.

